22 June, 2009

Never have I Ever.....

Heard of Mayer Hawthorne, i mean, i have but I'm pretty sure that you haven't. This guy from Ann Arbor is dope, he has his own style he's original and more importantly he has something that is hard to come by these days; and that is SOUL. Oh did i forget to mention that he was white? I'm just saying. I know we have a Justin Timberlake already but this guy is in a category all by himself. I love the uniqueness and originality that he could bring to the industry. He is not signed to a major label yet, but my uncle (who is an A&R @ Columbia Records)Told me that they were giving him a good look, and they really like what they see. So hey you never know, why don't give him a look and remember to be open minded, it's a great growing tool!

~Th3 KaTaLySt

Read here ~~~~~~> http://www.stonesthrow.com/mayerhawthorne