26 March, 2010

I want to Laugh I want to Cry

I was at training for work and I had to go to the bathroom; no i wont tell you about my bathroom experience but what I will tell you that while i was waiting for a man to come out the bathroom, I noticed a sign that said "free books". So my curiosity led me to look in the pile of books, in which I came upon a book called " I Want to Laugh I want to Cry". It's a book of poems about "woman's feelings" nonetheless I found a short poem called "Music Touches Feelings" I really enjoyed this poem and felt the same exact way about music as the lady who wrote the poem does. I will be posting some of her other work (Susan Polis Schutz) soon, but for now Tune IN!.

Music touches feelings

That words can not.
It is the melody of the heart,
the voice
of the Spirit.
It inspires some
to think of the past,
some to create
and some to cry.

Music makes me love.

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