So...it finally has come, the day another carrier beholds the most popular phone in the world. Verizon has announced that they will begin carrying the iPhone 4 early to mid February. This is great news for the Verizon's customers who have been patiently waiting to use their upgrade specifically for the latest iPhone. Butttt might come as bad news because they cant use the upgrade to get the phone free, but can use it as credit towards it; $199 is not that expensive anyway. There are always pros and cons to everything and the biggest con about Verizon's version of the phone is that it will run on a 3G CDMA network, which means it wont have the newer LTE 4g compatibility, "which means" that you wont be able to talk on your phone and surf the web at the same time. Now if you don't do that anyway, then it's not a problem, but if you're like me..its a problem. Pros, Verizon has much better plans then AT&T, they offer a $30 unlimited data plan in which you get to use your iPhone 4 as a wireless hot spot to up to 5 devices, WITHOUT having to purchase a $45 tethering plan which ISN'T unlimited (<---AT&T ). One thing Verizon has not done is to announce the actual prices for the minutes and messaging plans, I don't expect them to change it up to much but we will have to wait and see. I am an iPhone 4 owner so I have to tell you if you're on Verizon GET AN iPHONE 4. There is really nothing like it, I'm sure a lot of EVO, Torch, DroidX users would beg to differ, but that's because they don't have an iPhone ;)
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