23 May, 2010

Fish spreading STD's?

Yeah what you just read was correct. Carp fish are mysteriously dying in Echo Park, LA. Now the twist to this story is that scientist say that it could possibly be from the spreading of herpes. How nasty is that! I'm still trying to figure this one out. They said diseases can developed if a certain species becomes stressed. They also said it might just be the way of nature getting rid of the invasive species. Either way it is pretty sickening, I am glad that it can only spread amongst that specific species (carp). check out the video and see this for yourself. TUNE IN!

21 May, 2010

Racism is alive; they just be conceling it

I really want everyone to pay attention and watch this WHOLE video. I don't wanna give away that much about it, but this study basically proves about how people are seen in the eyes of the beholder. I'm not sure if I want to say that this is sad, because personally this is what I have known to be normal my whole life. It definitely doesn't make it right at all, but I'm just glad everyone gets to see this for themselves and make their own personal judgment as to how people conceal their bias or racist tendencies until they "abruptly appear" . We all are bias in someway about something, but this take it to another level. Check it out ...TUNE IN

08 May, 2010

Walk on Water

Yeah, I never thought this was possible either, (except for in the bible, when Jesus did it) and I am still a little skeptical now, But this video is damn sure convincing that it is possible for a human being in these day and times, to walk on water. Don't believe me? then check out this video these guys actually discovered a way to "walk on water" and it looks legit. The only thing that makes me a skeptic is that I am not there in person to witness this, because you know you can pretty much do anything with the video editing software that is out there these days. But you be the judge TUNE IN, COMMENT and tell me what you think. ~TEB


LOL of the day "Swagger Wagon"

I might be a little late on this one, but I just had to post it! check it out; your LOL of the day! TUNE IN!

04 May, 2010

LOL of the Day

When I saw this link on my twitter, I just had to post it for you guys LOL. Made me laugh I'm sure you will too!!

Learning to Draw...

Have you ever wanted to draw.....but you cant =/ ? Well your worries are over! lol, no, but there is this website that actually teaches you step by step on how to draw. It looks pretty efficient, no I haven't tried it, but I know that I would be able to do it if I tried. Check it out for yourself, maybe you'll be the next Picasso! (I sound like I'm promoting for them or something, haha) but check it out HeRe!