06 July, 2011

Verizon data plans are.....rizon

Once AT&T discontinued unlimited data, Verizon immediately became ideal company for most AT&T iPhone users who were stuck with new "limited" plans, because Verizon is a great company, the best service and they had unlimited data. This unlimited data meant Verizon users could use their phone for as much Internet as they wanted AND use their phone as a hotspot and not have to worry about going over the 2gb cap like AT&T users. Unfortunately, now, not only do you Verizon Internet users have to worry about a 2gb cap, but you also have to pay $5.00 more than AT&T. The blame seems to be pointed at you "data hogs", which are using all the "wireless bandwidth" (so they say). I say these companies are just money hungry, but what do I know. I forgot to mention that if you already have Verizon you are deemed safe, grandfathered in, good money, whatever you want to call it. My advice, unlimited data is cool and all that, but really not necessary. I thought I would go over my 2GB cap here at my old faithful, but have yet to barely touch 2GB. With wireless all over the world these days the words "unlimited data" will in due time become a mere thought...In MY opinion.... any way TUNE IN!

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