20 July, 2011

Raheem Devaughn

I have been meaning to post this to my blog since I first heard the mixtape, but hey better late then never right? To my fellas Raheem reminds us of the way a woman should be treated, talked to....and loved. Ladies will enjoy this as well. So if you haven't already heard it..then.... TUNE IN!

This D/L is a must....for Grown Men ONLY(& women)...

14 July, 2011

Need a CHEAP vacation?

Well here you have it. For $399, leaving out of NYC you can go to Barbados for 5 nights!!! Yes, this also includes your hotel accommodations at the Coconut Court Beach Hotel. This is a limited time MEGA deal, with about 30+ openings left. I don't know about you...but I have a feeling I'll be leaving the country real soon. Check out the details below! TUNE IN!

Click~~~> HERE

11 July, 2011


I often wonder what the next big thing to hit the net will be. I'm always on the prowl, searching for what can be the next Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr etc. Recently, I stumbled upon (pun intended) this new social network website called www.flapon.com. I am still trying to navigate the site to figure things out, but from what I see it has potential to maybe be big one day. I can't really give you a review because honestly, I don't quite understand it yet; but I will give you a description of what this website provides for its users. I can see how Flapon could possibly be a success in the future, or should I say more successful than it already is. So with that said, don't wait to hop on a bandwagon, join www.flapon.com now and try it out, we might be on to something, lol ...anyway...TuneIN!

Here is the description.

Flapon is a topic-based social networking service, which means that users interact and create social networks based on mutual interests.

Flapon features include an interactive blogging/forum function called "Flap" which allows users to write about and discuss topics of mutual interest, as well as upload images and video from their computer or the web(google image search, youtube video search).

Users can easily meet new people based on those mutual interests, without having to muddle though thousands of forums on the web.

■ Our Mission

Flapon's mission is to provide a platform where people can communicate better, as well as exchange goods and services more easily.

■ Features

- FLAP : A "Flap" is like a blog post, forum discussion, and media sharing tool all in one. You can write long and engaging pieces about topics you like. Include photos or video, even links to news sources and other sites to make your Flaps more interesting.

- STREAM : Your "Stream" keeps you updated on all the topics you are interested in. Flaps about topics you like appear in your stream. Information about events and things bought in our marketplace that are relevant to you also show up in your steam.

- EVENT : Creating an event in Flapon is a great way to meet up with people in the real world. Whenever you Flap, you can also choose to add an event. Anyone who is interested in similar topics as you will learn about the event, so it's wasy to get the word out.

- MARKETPLACE(Coming soon) - The Flapon Marketplace is a great venue for users to buy and sell products and services. You can build your own store on Flapon in a few minutes. It doesn't matter if you are ran online retailer or have your own store on main street, you can take advantage of topic-based networking to promote yourself.

10 July, 2011


Be Thankful.

I am thankful for...

by Nancie J. Carmody

...the mess to clean up after a party
because it means I have been surrounded by friends.
...the taxes I pay
because it means that I'm employed.
...the clothes that fit a little too snug
because it means I have enough to eat.
...my shadow who watches me work
because it means I am out in the sunshine.
...the spot I find at the far end of the parking lot
because it means I am capable of walking.
...all the complaining I hear about our government
because it means we have freedom of speech.
...that lady behind me in church who sings off key
because it means that I can hear.
...lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing
because it means I have a home.
...my huge heating bill
because it means that I am warm.
...weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day
because it means that I have been productive.
...the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours
because it means that I am alive.
There are three kinds of days:
  1. Good days,
  2. Great days, and
  3. Outstanding days.
I hope yours is Outstanding!

07 July, 2011


The title "10 Psychological States You've Never Heard Of; And When You Experienced Them" pretty much explains what this article is about, so there is no need to further explain. But there is a need in trying to get you to read this article, because it is one of the most intriguing articles I have read to date. We all have been through some of these psychological states at one time or another and have not known what to call it; well now you'll know exactly what it is! So give this article five minutes of your time, trust me you wont think about a simple situation the same. Okay enough with the persuasion, I'm a psychology major so I think it's great regardless lol, TUNE IN.

06 July, 2011

Verizon data plans are.....rizon

Once AT&T discontinued unlimited data, Verizon immediately became ideal company for most AT&T iPhone users who were stuck with new "limited" plans, because Verizon is a great company, the best service and they had unlimited data. This unlimited data meant Verizon users could use their phone for as much Internet as they wanted AND use their phone as a hotspot and not have to worry about going over the 2gb cap like AT&T users. Unfortunately, now, not only do you Verizon Internet users have to worry about a 2gb cap, but you also have to pay $5.00 more than AT&T. The blame seems to be pointed at you "data hogs", which are using all the "wireless bandwidth" (so they say). I say these companies are just money hungry, but what do I know. I forgot to mention that if you already have Verizon you are deemed safe, grandfathered in, good money, whatever you want to call it. My advice, unlimited data is cool and all that, but really not necessary. I thought I would go over my 2GB cap here at my old faithful, but have yet to barely touch 2GB. With wireless all over the world these days the words "unlimited data" will in due time become a mere thought...In MY opinion.... any way TUNE IN!