How is your day going? Whether it is going good or not so good, there is nothing like some MOTIVATION; you know, that force to help you get through that period of moratorium in your life, or that extra nudge to get you to follow your dream(s). Whatever it may mean to you, motivation is an ESSENTIAL part of life. Written by seven of the "worlds greatest minds" in history, this article provides you with a template of seven of the best life lessons. It is very motivating, and could be very helpful to anyone. So, read it, print it out, hang it up, share it with a friend, but whatever you do...DON'T READ IF YOU WANT ORDINARY. TUNE IN!
It's funny, I was going to write an entry about how great Beyonce's performance was, and talk about how stupid these feminist are for downplaying Beyonce's strive to make us men believe that women might actually run the world one day...but, I think I found an even better story.
Now, I know when it comes to someone else writing your lyrics or taking an old beat and making it yours; that it is accepted more within the RnB world than the Hip-Hop world. I know that Beyonce is extremely talented and writes her own lyrics at times, I know that she most likely plays a major part in her choreography, I will even go on and say that she is the GOAT of her generation. But Ms. Knowles might of taken THIS one tooo far.
After seeing her performance on the 2011 Billboard Music Awards, I had it ingrained in my mind that Beyonce is THE most cleaver and most talented singer/performer EVER; she even made me like that overly annoying song she performed, only to find out...well....take a look for yourself.
Yeah, she pretty much "STOLEEE it", I felt kind of deceived by this (lol not really).... ANNDDD the performance by Lorella Cuccarini, was only done LAST YEAR at the60th Anniversary of the Sanremo Music Festival. Now this isn't a Beyonce bashing I love that woman and will probably steal her from Jay-Z one day, but I just think maybe she should of shouted out Lorella or Lorella's choreographers, when shouting out Ex-member of Destiny's child (which was real classy BTW). Anyway yes I chose this as my first "IM BACK" do me a favor continue to TUNE IN! Love ya'll!