If there is one man that I respect whose name is not God, it would probably have to be Mahatma Gandhi. He is a very wise man, and you can second that statement by studying him or even simply looking up quotes from him. The link I'm posting, is where he lists the "7 blunders of the world". Take a look at these and soak them in; it makes perfect sense....well at least to me anyways.... TUNE IN
The number one album "Thank me Later" has sold over 460,000 in its first week. Congratulations Drizzy on your success; and yes selling "only" 460,000 copies your first week is labeled a success, especially in these days and times in which people don't buy music. This kid remains level headed constantly stating the fact that he doesn't care about record sales. We know he doesn't absolutely mean that of course, but he said he would be happy with around 400,000 first week and that he feels like he has a lot more to prove before he gets to the status we try to put him at. If you ask me i think the album should of done a bit more because it of the quality of music he gives us. The people who don't like it say the same thing, "all he does is sing on the album" or " he does to much singing on the album" interesting statement because he only has two songs on the album in which all he does is sing, the rest are a combo of the both. So what is the difference? He didn't switch his style up, he did the same thing on so far gone and everybody liked that. Annnd even if all he did was sing it STILL was great. I'm just saying, if you don't like a person just because they have to much hype, its ignorant to say that they're wack when they're clearly not. And this isn't a bias statement because I really like Drake its the truth. You can hate Drake because of the way he talks or because he may appear corny or he is "over-hyped" but you can deny the quality of his music, good music is good music no matter who the person is. And I think he is just going to get better. He is very focused and seems to be a very real person, just watch the latestDrake Documentary called "Better Than Good Enough"and you can see the authenticity.
On a lighter note check out Drake on Jimmy Kimmel very funny interview and very funny song ("tweet tweet") by Jimmy and Drake. At the end Make sure you watch Drake perform Over, and look at how his stage presence have changed from when we were first introduced to him. He has grown tremendously I also like the live band, it definitely helps him command a crowd which is one of the hardest things for a rapper to do...but uhhhh look for yourself and TUNE IN!!!